2013년 11월 16일 토요일

Week 5 _Article #1_ Lighting, Landscaping Themes of Annual Safety Walk

Lighting, Landscaping Themes of Annual Safety walk

I think it is very good idea that president, staff faculties and students and Gerogia Tech police are all walked around campus together and discussed about safety walk in Goergia Tech campus. But to me, it is not practical enough to prevent future crime . According to the article, they discuss about lighting on the streets. Of course lighting is important, but making street more brighter is not going to decrease crimesignificantly. I think more important thing is emergency button. when crime happens, people would use emergency button more than their cell phones. Howeber, many people say emergency button is useless because police comes too late. I believe more emergency button and faster response would be better for preventing future crimes.

댓글 1개:

  1. I agree with you that it is a good way to discuss how to improve the waking safety after all members of the meeting walk in the campus together to find the place that need more brighter. In addition, I also agree with your idea that more lights is not enough to reduce crimes. I think personal awareness is another way can reduce crimes. For instance, avoid going outside alone at night or invite friends to go together. If people decrease their chances to involve crimes, the rate of crimes would fall. Before outside becomes dark, I will come home is the way I use to keep my personal safe in Atlanta. This habit is totally different from the habit I was in Taiwan. In Taiwan, the public place is safe even though 10 o'clock at night because many people still walk outside. So, in Taiwan, I was usually outside at night. However, different country has different situation, knowing how to protect yourself is one way to avoid involving crimes and decrease crimes happen.
